Although there is still a chill in the air, it’s April and Spring has officially sprung. Summer and all its body baring clothing are just weeks away. If you’ve been slacking this winter, its time to get the rear in gear! Week to week from THE TRAINERS CORNER we will be bringing you tips, workouts, gear and apparel to get you motivated, looking good and feeling great.
This week in THE TRAINERS CORNER, we have SoulCycle Master Instructor and STYLE OF SPORT Contributing Fitness Editor, Stacey Griffith, who has created a special SOS workout, the “10×10”. It’s a 10 minute, down and dirty, quickie workout designed to get the job done fast. There are 10 basic exercises everyone knows how to do, performed for 1 minute each. Other than a jump rope, no equipment is required, so this routine can be done anywhere anytime. Plus we’ve got some hot tunes to go with it!
So if you haven’t been working out, this is a great place to start, and if you have, it’s a great extra 10 minute boost of power to add to your routine.
2. PUSH-UPS. Straight legs or knees on the floor
3. SQUATS. Keep the knees at 90 degrees!
4. CRUNCHES. Legs up, knees bent, feet on the floor…. your choice
6. TRICEP DIPS. Can be done off a bench, chair or sofa. With arms behind you and heels on the floor, lower your butt towards the floor and use your triceps to push back up again.
7. LUNGES. Alternate legs and keep the knees at 90 degrees.
8. PLANK: Arms at 90 degrees, forearms on the floor, legs straight, flat back.
9. TOE TOUCHES. Stand with feet apart and arms straight out to the side. Bend and touch left hand to right foot. Alternate.
10. BICYCLES (of course!) Lying flat on back, knees up. Extend right leg out. Bring right elbow to left knee. Alternate.
As a former DJ, Stacey Griffith’s classes are known to be full on jam sessions. So to inspire you all at home, here are 10 super hot tracks off DJ SG’s playlist! Click to play.