The Pink Pony Rides Again



Tomorrow evening is the second annual Ralph Lauren Pink Pony charity ride at SoulCycle. It is an event organized by my fellow SoulCycle devotee and great friend Glynis Karp, Senior Vice President of Global Merchandising at Ralph Lauren Childrenswear, who started the event last year with Tricia Laird, Vice President of Brand Management at Ralph Lauren. This ride is not open to the public, but is for employees only who donate between $50-$150 for a bike in the class in support of their company’s own cause.

We are often asked to write about different charity rides and sporting events, and with so many great ones for very worthy causes it is hard to cover them all. This year, however, we have been particularly impressed with the Pink Pony initiative #PinkPonyPromise and wanted to give it some special attention. From October 1–31, 2014, for every photo posted to Instagram, Twitter and with the hashtag #PinkPonyPromise, the Pink Pony Fund of The Polo Ralph Lauren Foundation will donate $10 to cancer-related causes. Plus, tag up to five friends and the Pink Pony Fund will donate an additional $1 for each tag (up to a $1 million total donation).

The Ralph Lauren Pink Pony fund is one of the leading charitable organizations in the fight against breast cancer. Their mission is to reduce disparities in cancer care in medically underserved communities and ensure that treatment is available at an earlier, more curable stage. In the US, 25% of the purchase price of Pink Pony products benefits the Pink Pony Fund of the Polo Ralph Lauren Foundation to support programs for screening, early diagnosis, treatment, research and patient navigation. Internationally, a network of local charities benefits from the sales of Pink Pony products.

We hope you will take advantage to do some extra good this month and by supporting Breast Cancer Awareness any way you can. As for myself…
