“The Crash Reel”



Now airing on HBO is “The Crash Reel”, a documentary about snowboarder Kevin Pearce, his horrific crash during a half pipe training run, and amazing recovery from the Traumatic Brain Injury that resulted. The film takes place over two years and focuses equally on the Pearce family (his father is Simon Pearce, well known glassware manufacturer). Watching footage of the actual crash, one is amazed it was not fatal and his journey back from near death is quite miraculous. The emotional toll Kevin’s accident takes on his family, their strength and bond is highlighted in particular when Kevin expresses his desire to snowboard again.

The film is directed by Lucy Walker, twice Oscar nominated for “Waste Land” and “The Tsunami and the Cherry Blossom”. In its review, The New York Times credits Ms.Walker with not making “The Crash Reel” a triumph-over-adversity film. While Kevin does snowboard again, it far from his skill leval before the crash. She raises the question of sponsors and television encouraging recklessness, and exploiting these action sport athletes who know no limits.  The film also features the stories of a number of well known action sports athletes not as lucky as Kevin.  Read More