Shopping Birdwell Beach Britches


In 1961, Carrie Birdwell Mann transformed her small southern California home into a sewing room and store, launching Birdwell Beach Britches. It was one of the first businesses specializing in surf wear, making her living room one of the first surf shops. Her first employees were her husband and son, and her first customers were lifeguards in Newport Beach. These simple nylon board shorts with their quirky “Birdie” mascot would become the staple of Southern California lifeguards and surfers, and establish Birdwell as their iconic heritage brand.

54 years since its founding, Birdwell has just opened its first ever standalone shop in Manhattan Beach, California. Designed by Birdwell’s creative director Natas Kaupas, legendary skateboarder and surf influencer, the Manhattan Beach store is the embodiment of his vision for the brand. The interior’s displays and walls are decorated with art and artifacts from Birdwell’s rich Southern California history and the structural elements used in the space evoke the strength and utility of Birdwell’s purpose built apparel. The shop features a vast selection of Birdwell product, including custom designs and limited-edition styles not available anywhere else.

The calendar may say summer is winding down, but there are still plenty of beach days left for a new pair of Birdwells. The store is located at 1300 Highland Street, Unit 106, Manhattan Beach, CA.